Tuesday, February 28, 2006
اين هم نيمه ديگر زندگي در خاور دور، البته هيچ جا همه چيز فقط خوب نيست. يك فلش در مورد استثمار و سوءاستفاده از زنان و دختران در كشور هاي آسياي شرقي رو مي تونيد در اينجا ببينيد. من لينك رو از طريق وبلاگ خورشيد خانوم ديدم
Monday, February 27, 2006
انفجار دو بمب در آبادان و دزفول
سايت بي بي سي خبر از انفجار دو بمب در آبادان و دزفول داده. البته مثل اينكه خوشبختانه هيچ تلفات جاني گزارش نشده. اميدوارم اينطور حوادث ديگه پيش نياد. چون خشونت چيزي رو حل نمي كنه. با زور و ايجاد وحشت و ارعاب نميشه چيزي رو تغيير داد. فقط عده اي بي گناه اين وسط جان خودشونو از دست ميدن يا بهشون صدمه يا خسارت مالي وارد ميشه. نتيجه هيچ
ايران و روسيه با هم غني سازي مي كنند؟
در اخبار بي بي سي در اينجا اومده كه ظاهرا در پي مذاكراتي كه انجام گرفته، قرار شده ايران و روسيه با هم در زمينه غني سازي همكاري كنند، البته ذكر نشده كه غني سازي در كجا انجام خواهد شد، ولي خوب ميتونه كمي اميدوار كننده باشه. يعني ممكنه در تصميم گيري شوراي حكام آژانس و شوراي امنيت در مورد فعاليت هاي هسته اي ايران تاثير گذار باشه. بايد صبر كرد و نتيجه رو ديد... اميدوارم همه چيز خوب پيش بره و كشورمون بيشتر از اين منزوي نشه و تحت فشار قرار نگيره، فشار هايي كه در درجه اول و قبل از هر چيز زندگي سخت مردم رو بيش از پيش سخت خواهد كرد. يعني بايد اميدوار بود؟
البته مثل اينكه در اين گفتگو ها ايران بر موضع خودش و حق خودش در زمينه غني سازي در خاك ايران پابرجا مونده و فعلا با انتقال تاسيسات غني سازي به خاك روسيه موافقت نكرده، اينم از اون پيشنهاداسا! مثل اينكه آدم بره خونه همسايه آشپزي كنه!!! البته نه به اين سادگي ولي كمي دور از انتظاره كه ايران با اين قسمت اين پيشنهاد موافقت كنه. البته اگر به پيشگيري از اعمال تحريم و فشار بيشتر منجر بشه به نظر من آدم بايد بره خونه همسايه آشپزي كنه! نه اينطور نيست؟ به هر حال اميدوارم همه چيز به نفع مردم تموم بشه. اميدوارم
Saturday, February 25, 2006
فشار به گوگل براي لوگوي نوروزي
فكر بدي نيست، به هر حال حداقل شصت هفتاد ميليون ايراني فكر كنم از بازي هاي زمستاني تورين مهمتر باشند، يا حداقل يه سنت باستاني چند هزار ساله مهمتره، نيست؟
Thursday, February 23, 2006
!ما مو مي بينيم بعضي ها هم پيچش مو هم پيچش چيزاي ديگه
اين ديگه نهايت شعور مدرن و پيشرفت فكري رو نشون ميده. از اون چيزاس كه نمي دونم كجاي ذهن ميشه دنبال جوابش گشت! به هر حال اينو ببينيد، با تشكر از لينك از طريق بلاگ نيوز بدون گير كردن پشت اسمشو نبر
تلويزيون تكان مي خورد؟
امشب (چهار شنبه شب) برنامه اي از شبكه اول تلويزيون پخش شد كه اسمش فكر كنم «نقد 1» باشه. مجريان برنامه آقاي مسعود فراستي، آقاي علي معلم و يك آقاي دكتر به نام عطاالله ابطحي بودن كه اگر درست فهميده باشم متخصص ارتباطات و رسانه و از اين قرتي بازيا بود! ظاهرا برنامه حرف هاي قابل تاملي براي گفتن داشت. فكر كنم حدودا ساعت ده و نيم يا يازده بود كه برنامه رو اتفاقي از وسطاش ديدم. اگر دوست داريد هفته بعد ببينيد، البته اگر همين موقع ها پخش بشه. موضوع اصلي نقد برنامه هاي تلويزوني و خود تلوزيون بود و بعضي از سياست گذاري ها و عملكرد هاي تلويزيون رو از بيخ زير سوال بردن. از بيخه بيخ! بد نبود. اميدوارم فقط كلي گويي نكنن، چون اين عادت برنامه هاي تلويزيوني يا حتي مي تونم بگم الگوي غير قابل تغيير تلويزيون مملكت ماست! ماست يا ما است؟ هر طور راحتين
!نه پس در بلاد كفر هم هست
من فكر مي كردم پديده عدم برخورداري از چشم براي ديدن موفقيت ديگران فقط مخصوص ممالك جهان سوميه! نگو همه جا هست. دوباره چند تا شركت عليه مايكروسافت به اتحاديه اروپا شكايت كردن كه به نحوي ناجوانمردانه رقابت مي كنه!!! اصلا جوانمردي و رعايت انصاف با ماهيت رقابت جور در مياد؟! نه خدائيش؟ جور در مياد؟
پ.ن. بنده دريافت هرگونه كمك از مايكروسافت رو براي بيان عرايضم به نحوي جوانمردانه تكذيب مي كنم! راست مي گم
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
اميدوارم به خير بگذرد
پنجم و ششم ماه مارس نزديكه، من خيلي نگرانم، شمارو نمي دونم. اميدوارم به خير بگذره
Sunday, February 19, 2006
چرا ما بازي سياست را ياد نمي گيريم؟
الان از آر اس اس بي بي سي ديدم كه در نيجريه هم درگيري هاي خشونت بار براي اعتراض به چاپ اون كاريكاتور هاي كذايي اونجا هم باعث تلفات شده. چرا ما مسلمان ها نمي بينيم كه همه اين كارها به خاطر جا انداختن اين ذهنيت كه ما خشن و غير قابل پيش بيني هستيم راه انداخته شده؟ چرا چاپ چند تا كاريكاتور اونم در يك روزنامه كه در كشوري چاپ ميشه كه اجدادشون وايكينگ بودن!!! بايد باعث اين همه خشونت و درگيري در كشور هاي ما بشه؟!؟ تا حالا 12 نفر در افغانستان، 5 نفر در پاكستان، 10 نفر در ليبي و حالا هم كه تا به حال 16 نفر در نيجريه جان خودشونو از دست دادن. در كشور ما هم كه كارناوال خر گرداني در خيابان و بالا رفتن از ديوار سفارت اون هم به سبك تارزان و دار و دسته اش! راه افتاد. واقعا چرا ما بازي سياست رو ياد نمي گيريم؟ يعني اينقدر سخته؟
!زندگي خيلي چيزه مزخرفيه
يك گيم نت هست كه من با دوستان بعضي وقتا براي فراموش كردن دنياي خارج مي رفتيم و يكي دو ساعتي رو اونجا به دور از هياهوي بيرون روي شبكه با هم بازي مي كرديم. انصافا اداره كنندگانشم بچه هاي خيلي خوبين. چند روز پيش يكي از بچه هاي زنگ زد و گفت كه «مياي امشب بريم؟» منم گفتم «ميام». بعد دوباره زنگ زد كه «تلفنش جواب نميده اگر گذرت به اون طرفا افتاد ببين اگر امشب هستن بريم». منم رفتم جلوي مغازه ديدم اعلاميه فوت يكي از اداره كنندگان رو زدن روي در بسته مغازه! يه جوون خوب و با صفا و خوش برخورد كه واقعا دوست داشني بود. شايد حداكثر 3-32 سالش بود. به جرات مي تونم بگم تا حالا از فوت كمتر كسي اينطور شكه شدم. از اون روز واقعا دل و دماغ نوشتن نداشتم. ولي احساس كردم شايد با نوشتن اين موضوع كمي بهتر بشم. زندگي خيلي كوتاهه. خوب بودن رو نبايد فراموش كرد. دارم به خودم يادآوري مي كنم، شما ها كه همه خوبين
Monday, February 13, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
يعني تا اين حد!؟
اين خبر رو نمي دونم در چه نوع خبري ميشه جا داد يا طبقه بندي كرد. البته منظورم نحوه پرداخت موضوع نيست، اصل موضوع خبر خيلي جالبه، يعني به حد دردناكي بامزه اس !؟
!ايران هنوز براي مذاكره آماده است
در خبري كه در سايت بي بي سي آمده ذكر شده كه ايران عليرغم قطع همكاري با آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي و سازمان ملل و قطع همكاري داوطلبانه با آژانس و ممانعت از بازديد هاي آتي اين آژانس از تاسيسات اتمي، هنوز براي مذاكره آماده است!! حالت روابط ديپلماتيك و مذاكره در كشور ما تقريبا شكل مذاكره يك بچه شيطون با مادرش رو پيدا كرده كه چون به خاطر شيطنت از انجام يك سري كارها منع شده، حالا داره سعي مي كنه دل مادرشو به دست بياره! يعني از مكانيسم ها و محمل هاي! نه چندان كارايي مثل قهر كردن، هارت و پورت كردن و دست آخر التماس كردن و اظهار پشيماني استفاده مي كنه كه در نهايت نه تنها اون رو به هدفش نمي رسونه، بلكه شايد باعث بشه مادرش بيشتر عصباني بشه و تنبيه هاي سخت تري براي اون در نظر بگيره! حالا نتيجه كلي به سماجت و لجاجت بچه در استفاده از استراتژي قهر-هات و پورت-التماس و همينطور به دلرحمي و رقت قلب مادر بستگي داره كه فكر نمي كنم در هر صورت نتيجه خوبي عايد مادر و بچه بشه و در نهايت ممكنه آتش عصبانيت و تنبيه مادر دامن خواهر ها و برادر هاي بچه كذائي رو هم بگيره. ولي مسلما مادر ها، عليرغم مهرباني هيچ وقت الكي با بچه كنار نميان. چه معني داره بچه شيطنت كنه !؟
Saturday, February 04, 2006
تا نظر شما چه باشد؟
آقاي بزرگمهر شرف الدين در وبلاگ خودشون مطلبي در مورد وبلاگ و وبلاگ نويسي نوشتن كه به نظر من جاي بحث داره. البته نه بحث در مورد اينكه آيا ايشون درست مي گن يا خير. هر كس مي تونه در مورد هر چيزي هر نظري داشته باشه ولي مي تونيم در هر موردي بحث كنيم و نظرات همديگرو بشنويم. من كه سعي مي كنم از صحبت ها و مباحثه با ديگران چيزهايي ياد بگيرم. البته لزوما معنيش اين نيست كه مباحثه براي آموزشه و يا اينكه من خيلي آدم باهوش و بااستعدادي هستم! فقط سعي مي كنم بشونم و ياد بگيرم. ياد بگيرم كه چه كارها و حرف هايي خوبن و اينكه چه كارهايي و حرف هايي بد هستند. البته از شوخي گذشته هيچ حرفي بد نيست، اينكه ما با شنيدن حرفي، انتقادي و يا خوندن مطلبي چه عكس العملي نشون مي ديم تا حدي مهمه. نه بيشتر... . اليته بنده در وبلاگ ايشون كامنتي نوشتم كه ميشه گفت طولانيه ولي اگر حوصله داشتيد و ايشون هم پابليش فرمودن مي تونيد اونرو در اونجا بخونيد. مطلب ايشون رو مي تونيد در اينجا بخونيد. اگر لازم شد مطلبي رو كه در سايت ايشون نوشتم اينجا هم قرار خواهم داد
نه پس اين جوريه؟
ببخشيد يه وقت خداي ناكرده، سرم زير سنگ، گردنم زير ساطور، زبونم لاي در، در اين وبلاگستان كسي كامنتي، فحشي چيزي به نوشته ها نميده؟ حالا يكي نيست بگه ببين اصلا كسي مياد اينجا چيزي بخونه؟ مياد؟ ميومد؟ شايدم قضيه يه جورايي مثل در انتظار گودو بودن اصلا از بيخ تعطيله؟
Friday, February 03, 2006
اينو شما هم بخونيد
عزم آن دارم كه امشب نيمه مست
پاي كوبان كوزه دردي به دست
سر به بازار قلندر بر نهم
پس به يك ساعت ببازم هر چه هست
تا كي از تزوير باشم رهنماي
تا كي از پندار باشم خودپرست
پرده پندار مي بايد دريد
توبه تزوير مي بايد شكست
وقت آن آمد كه دستي بر زنم
چند خواهم بود آخر پاي بند
پاي كوبان كوزه دردي به دست
سر به بازار قلندر بر نهم
پس به يك ساعت ببازم هر چه هست
تا كي از تزوير باشم رهنماي
تا كي از پندار باشم خودپرست
پرده پندار مي بايد دريد
توبه تزوير مي بايد شكست
وقت آن آمد كه دستي بر زنم
چند خواهم بود آخر پاي بند
متاسفانه مطمئن نيستم ولي فكر مي كنم از فريدالدين عطار باشه
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
!توصيه هاي ايمني
به علاقه مندان موسيقي تجربي و موسيقي هاي تلفيقي اكيدا توصيه مي كنم آلبوم «ديوان شمس و باخ» كار داوود آزاد رو بگيرن و گوش كنن. البته اگر خارج از ايران هستيد و ممكنه سي دي هاتون رو مثل همه بلاد كفر! به صورت آنلاين بخريد اسم انگليسي آلبوم «ديوان رومي و باخ» هست، فكر مي كنم چون مولانا رو در كشور هاي غربي بيشتر به اسم رومي مي شناسن وجه تسميه انگليسي يه چيزي تو همين مايه ها باشه. اگر از كار هايي تلفيقي مثلا مثل آلبوم «سير» كه شركت هرمس توليد كرده (و فكر مي كنم كار مسعود شعاري و كريستف رضايي باشه، اميدوارم اسامي اين اساتيد درست يادم مونده باشه چون الان سي دي دم دست نيست!) خوشتون اومده باشه از اين كار هم لذت ميبريد. اشعار مولانا با موسقي تلفيقي با تم كارهاي باخ و ساز هاي كوبه اي ايراني و شرقي ديگه رو مي شه در تمام تراك ها شنيد. حتي سازي شبيه بالابان تركي هم در برخي از پيش درآمد ها و ملودي ها هست كه تركيبيش با صداي پيانو و سازهاي كوبه اي مثل دو طبله و طبلا به نظر من جالب اومد. خلاصه اگر اين كارو نشنيدين و از اين نوع كارهاي اكسپريمنتال خوشتون مياد بشتابيد! نمي شتابيد هم نشتابيد، خود دانيد، از ما گفتن. ضرر كه نداره؟ داره؟
لطفا خبر اين فاجعه رو به همه برسونيد
من اين خبر رو رو سايت ايزد بانو ديدم، البته قبلا هم يه چيزهايي شنيده بودم. بايد كاري كرد
T S Eliot Essay 1
Hamlet and His Problems
Few critics have even admitted that Hamlet the play is the primary problem, and Hamlet the character only secondary. And Hamlet the character has had an especial temptation for that most dangerous type of critic: the critic with a mind which is naturally of the creative order, but which through some weakness in creative power exercises itself in criticism instead. These minds often find in Hamlet a vicarious existence for their own artistic realization. Such a mind had Goethe, who made of Hamlet a Werther; and such had Coleridge, who made of Hamlet a Coleridge; and probably neither of these men in writing about Hamlet remembered that his first business was to study a work of art. The kind of criticism that Goethe and Coleridge produced, in writing of Hamlet, is the most misleading kind possible. For they both possessed inquestionable critical insight, and both make their critical aberrations the more plausible by the substitution—of their own Hamlet for Shakespeare's—which their creative gift effects. We should be thankful that Walter Pater did not fix his attention on this play.
Few critics have even admitted that Hamlet the play is the primary problem, and Hamlet the character only secondary. And Hamlet the character has had an especial temptation for that most dangerous type of critic: the critic with a mind which is naturally of the creative order, but which through some weakness in creative power exercises itself in criticism instead. These minds often find in Hamlet a vicarious existence for their own artistic realization. Such a mind had Goethe, who made of Hamlet a Werther; and such had Coleridge, who made of Hamlet a Coleridge; and probably neither of these men in writing about Hamlet remembered that his first business was to study a work of art. The kind of criticism that Goethe and Coleridge produced, in writing of Hamlet, is the most misleading kind possible. For they both possessed inquestionable critical insight, and both make their critical aberrations the more plausible by the substitution—of their own Hamlet for Shakespeare's—which their creative gift effects. We should be thankful that Walter Pater did not fix his attention on this play.
Two recent writers, Mr. J. M. Robertson and Professor Stoll of the University of Minnesota, have issued small books which can be praised for moving in the other direction. Mr. Stoll performs a service in recalling to our attention the labours of the critics of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, observing that
they knew less about psychology than more recent Hamlet critics, but they were nearer in spirit to Shakespeare's art; and as they insisted on the importance of the effect of the whole rather than on the importance of the leading character, they were nearer, in their old-fashioned way, to the secret of dramatic art in general.
Qua work of art, the work of art cannot be interpreted; there is nothing to interpret; we can only criticize it according to standards, in comparison to other works of art; and for "interpretation" the chief task is the presentation of relevant historical facts which the reader is not assumed to know. Mr. Robertson points out, very pertinently, how critics have failed in their "interpretation" of Hamlet by ignoring what ought to be very obvious: that Hamlet is a stratification, that it represents the efforts of a series of men, each making what he could out of the work of his predecessors. The Hamlet of Shakespeare will appear to us very differently if, instead of treating the whole action of the play as due to Shakespeare's design, we perceive his Hamlet to be superposed upon much cruder material which persists even in the final form.
We know that there was an older play by Thomas Kyd, that extraordinary dramatic (if not poetic) genius who was in all probability the author of two plays so dissimilar as the Spanish Tragedy and Arden of Feversham; and what this play was like we can guess from three clues: from the Spanish Tragedy itself, from the tale of Belleforest upon which Kyd's Hamlet must have been based, and from a version acted in Germany in Shakespeare's lifetime which bears strong evidence of having been adapted from the earlier, not from the later, play. From these three sources it is clear that in the earlier play the motive was a revenge-motive simply; that the action or delay is caused, as in the Spanish Tragedy, solely by the difficulty of assassinating a monarch surrounded by guards; and that the "madness" of Hamlet was feigned in order to escape suspicion, and successfully. In the final play of Shakespeare, on the other hand, there is a motive which is more important than that of revenge, and which explicitly "blunts" the latter; the delay in revenge is unexplained on grounds of necessity or expediency; and the effect of the "madness" is not to lull but to arouse the king's suspicion. The alteration is not complete enough, however, to be convincing. Furthermore, there are verbal parallels so close to the Spanish Tragedy as to leave no doubt that in places Shakespeare was merely revising the text of Kyd. And finally there are unexplained scenes—the Polonius-Laertes and the Polonius-Reynaldo scenes—for which there is little excuse; these scenes are not in the verse style of Kyd, and not beyond doubt in the style of Shakespeare. These Mr. Robertson believes to be scenes in the original play of Kyd reworked by a third hand, perhaps Chapman, before Shakespeare touched the play. And he concludes, with very strong show of reason, that the original play of Kyd was, like certain other revenge plays, in two parts of five acts each. The upshot of Mr. Robertson's examination is, we believe, irrefragable: that Shakespeare's Hamlet, so far as it is Shakespeare's, is a play dealing with the effect of a mother's guilt upon her son, and that Shakespeare was unable to impose this motive successfully upon the "intractable" material of the old play.
Of the intractability there can be no doubt. So far from being Shakespeare's masterpiece, the play is most certainly an artistic failure. In several ways the play is puzzling, and disquieting as is none of the others. Of all the plays it is the longest and is possibly the one on which Shakespeare spent most pains; and yet he has left in it superfluous and inconsistent scenes which even hasty revision should have noticed. The versification is variable. Lines like
Look, the morn, in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill,
are of the Shakespeare of Romeo and Juliet. The lines in Act v. sc. ii.,
Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting
That would not let me sleep...
Up from my cabin,
My sea-gown scarf'd about me, in the dark
Grop'd I to find out them: had my desire;
Finger'd their packet;
are of his quite mature. Both workmanship and thought are in an unstable condition. We are surely justified in attributing the play, with that other profoundly interesting play of "intractable" material and astonishing versification, Measure for Measure, to a period of crisis, after which follow the tragic successes which culminate in Coriolanus. Coriolanus may be not as "interesting" as Hamlet, but it is, with Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare's most assured artistic success. And probably more people have thought Hamlet a work of art because they found it interesting, than have found it interesting because it is a work of art. It is the "Mona Lisa" of literature.
The grounds of Hamlet's failure are not immediately obvious. Mr. Robertson is undoubtedly correct in concluding that the essential emotion of the play is the feeling of a son towards a guilty mother:
[Hamlet's] tone is that of one who has suffered tortures on the score of his mother's degradation.... The guilt of a mother is an almost intolerable motive for drama, but it had to be maintained and emphasized to supply a psychological solution, or rather a hint of one.
This, however, is by no means the whole story. It is not merely the "guilt of a mother" that cannot be handled as Shakespeare handled the suspicion of Othello, the infatuation of Antony, or the pride of Coriolanus. The subject might conceivably have expanded into a tragedy like these, intelligible, self-complete, in the sunlight. Hamlet, like the sonnets, is full of some stuff that the writer could not drag to light, contemplate, or manipulate into art. And when we search for this feeling, we find it, as in the sonnets, very difficult to localize. You cannot point to it in the speeches; indeed, if you examine the two famous soliloquies you see the versification of Shakespeare, but a content which might be claimed by another, perhaps by the author of the Revenge of Bussy d' Ambois, Act v. sc. i. We find Shakespeare's Hamlet not in the action, not in any quotations that we might select, so much as in an unmistakable tone which is unmistakably not in the earlier play.
The only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding an "objective correlative"; in other words, a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which shall be the formula of that particular emotion; such that when the external facts, which must terminate in sensory experience, are given, the emotion is immediately evoked. If you examine any of Shakespeare's more successful tragedies, you will find this exact equivalence; you will find that the state of mind of Lady Macbeth walking in her sleep has been communicated to you by a skilful accumulation of imagined sensory impressions; the words of Macbeth on hearing of his wife's death strike us as if, given the sequence of events, these words were automatically released by the last event in the series. The artistic "inevitability" lies in this complete adequacy of the external to the emotion; and this is precisely what is deficient in Hamlet. Hamlet (the man) is dominated by an emotion which is inexpressible, because it is in excess of the facts as they appear. And the supposed identity of Hamlet with his author is genuine to this point: that Hamlet's bafflement at the absence of objective equivalent to his feelings is a prolongation of the bafflement of his creator in the face of his artistic problem. Hamlet is up against the difficulty that his disgust is occasioned by his mother, but that his mother is not an adequate equivalent for it; his disgust envelops and exceeds her. It is thus a feeling which he cannot understand; he cannot objectify it, and it therefore remains to poison life and obstruct action. None of the possible actions can satisfy it; and nothing that Shakespeare can do with the plot can express Hamlet for him. And it must be noticed that the very nature of the données of the problem precludes objective equivalence. To have heightened the criminality of Gertrude would have been to provide the formula for a totally different emotion in Hamlet; it is just because her character is so negative and insignificant that she arouses in Hamlet the feeling which she is incapable of representing.
The "madness" of Hamlet lay to Shakespeare's hand; in the earlier play a simple ruse, and to the end, we may presume, understood as a ruse by the audience. For Shakespeare it is less than madness and more than feigned. The levity of Hamlet, his repetition of phrase, his puns, are not part of a deliberate plan of dissimulation, but a form of emotional relief. In the character Hamlet it is the buffoonery of an emotion which can find no outlet in action; in the dramatist it is the buffoonery of an emotion which he cannot express in art. The intense feeling, ecstatic or terrible, without an object or exceeding its object, is something which every person of sensibility has known; it is doubtless a study to pathologists. It often occurs in adolescence: the ordinary person puts these feelings to sleep, or trims down his feeling to fit the business world; the artist keeps it alive by his ability to intensify the world to his emotions. The Hamlet of Laforgue is an adolescent; the Hamlet of Shakespeare is not, he has not that explanation and excuse. We must simply admit that here Shakespeare tackled a problem which proved too much for him. Why he attempted it at all is an insoluble puzzle; under compulsion of what experience he attempted to express the inexpressibly horrible, we cannot ever know. We need a great many facts in his biography; and we should like to know whether, and when, and after or at the same time as what personal experience, he read Montaigne, II. xii., Apologie de Raimond Sebond. We should have, finally, to know something which is by hypothesis unknowable, for we assume it to be an experience which, in the manner indicated, exceeded the facts. We should have to understand things which Shakespeare did not understand himself.